Monday, August 27, 2012

Big Brother – Sunday, August 26th – HOH/Nominations

After a roller coaster of an episode on Thursday, we rejoin the house that was left in complete chaos.  I know the game has changed since the beginning, but I do have to give credit to Boogie’s ability to pick a great team.  Frank, Ian and Jenn are still the only three-person team left.  With tonight’s episode, we found out that Ian never really wanted to be the one in charge of evicting Frank.  He tried to throw the HOH competition, but if he really wanted to throw the tiebreaker question, he should have guessed higher.  The entire house corners Ian in the game room, and he tries to throw his weight around with Joe.  He listened to Britney in the end, and he put up Frank and Ashley.  Frank was beyond furious, and Ian was upset that he couldn’t hide behind Dan anymore.  Joe is so egotistical.  He claims he can get off the block just like Frank can….hahaha!  Who is he kidding?  I still find it hard to believe that Ashley was the better person to get rid of over Joe.  After Ashley is evicted, Frank blows up at Ian again, and I was SHOCKED to see Britney crying.  She really feels bad for Ian, and thinks that he can’t handle being yelled at by Frank.  I hate to say this, but I think it’s extremely difficult to win this game if you have a conscience.
            Frank talks to Britney, Danielle and Shane before they play HOH.  His lets them know that his target is still Dan.  He still believes that Dan was the one who convinced Shane to put up him and Boogie up last week.  Danielle asks to speak with Frank alone, and she says that she can’t go against Dan.  She says she won’t go after Frank, but she can’t turn on Dan.  This is the point where I would flip on Ian.  Danielle is sitting in a great spot.  She could protect Dan, her strongest ally, if she would just throw Ian under the bus.  All she has to say is that Ian was the one who gave the idea to Shane to put them both on the block.  Britney realizes that Frank is a great competitor in the game, and she cuts a deal with Frank before the HOH competition.  WOW!   
If you can't beat him join him!
            Later that night, the HGs have to compete in another HOH competition.  The object of the game is to use two strings and a board to maneuver a ball up a maze.  The higher you go, the more points you get.  After this round, the players are ranked according to their score.  After they are ranked the players have to compete head-to-head to see who can get their ball to the top hole.  The people with the worst scores, go first, and then so on and so forth.  Not only does the winner get HOH for the week, but they also get to choose the one person to be a Have Not for the week.  Here is the breakdown of the rounds!

Danielle – 8 (3rd)
Frank – 5 (6th)
Shane – 17 (1st)
Jenn – 6 (5th)
Joe – 10 (2nd)
Britney – 7 (4th)
Dan -  1 (Last)

Round 1: Frank vs. Dan – Frank
Round 2: Frank vs. Jenn – Frank
Round 3: Frank vs. Britney – Frank
Round 4: Frank vs. Danielle – Frank
Round 5: Frank vs. Joe – Frank
Round 6: Frank vs. Shane – Frank

            You have to give credit when and where it’s due!  Frank wins HOH, and I am now confident that Dan will throw Ian under the bus.  Frank decides to put Dan on slop, and it’s no secret he is out for blood this week.  Britney goes up to see Frank to see if her deal is still good with Frank.  He says his targets this week are Dan and Danielle.  Britney then solidifies a final four deal with Frank, and this may be her downfall.  If he Quack Pack alliance knows she is making side deals with whoever is in power, they will be less likely to trust her. 
Has anyone not opened Pandora's Box?
            Lucky duck Frank gets the opportunity to open Pandora’s Box.  If he opens the box, he will be guaranteed an unspecified amount of money (up to $10,000), but with something good, that means something bad will be released as well.  Frank decides to open the box, and he gets to open three boxes.  He gets to keep the amount in each of the three boxes, but he will have to stay there for an entire hour afterward.  His first pick was $1.05, his next pick was worth $7.11, and his last pick was worth $3333.33.  After he opens the box, the HGs get a change to get $.50  If they get $.50, they can play the claw game to win the veto.  In order to find the money, BB releases plastic balls that may contain what they need!  Dan finds the first quarters, and he didn’t get the veto.  Ian tries to win it next, and he almost gets it!  Britney hears two quarters near Joe’s foot, and she goes to win the veto.  She gets the ball in the claw, but it drops it before the return chute.  Britney then confesses in the DR that Dan is being selfish during this game.  She says he doesn’t get the big picture, but to me the big picture is he is guaranteed to be put up on the block if he doesn’t win.  Dan also gets the claw around the ball, but it drops again before the chute.  Ian saves his money because he believes that the last person to go has the better chance at getting the veto.  However, he blows his own cover by following Dan too closely.  Ian decides to go to the claw machine, and he wins the POV.  He flips off the other HGs afterward.  At this point Danielle and Dan are upset by Ian’s actions.  His true colors are coming out, and it’s impossible to play the nice, sweet nerd and the mastermind villain.  Maybe he was right a few weeks ago when he said he would make a better villain than hero. 
Do you think he's too arrogant?
            Frank is then released from Pandora’s Box, and Ian tells him that he won the POV.  Frank immediately wants to put up Ian and Danielle because Ian would be forced to use the veto on himself, and he can back door Dan.  Frank ends up nominating Dan and Danielle in hopes that Dan will go home.  Now that Ian has won the extra veto, Dan would be unwise by throwing Ian under the bus. 
I loved this episode, and I love this game!  What do you think will happen?  Who will win the second veto?  Sound off in the comments below!

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